Friday, July 30, 2010

Modern shipbuilding mode of the piping manufacturer

The piping of the ship construction process manufacturing and construction sub-synchronous, and carrying closely related closely linked with the device is an important part of the production. Shipbuilding production patterns in the establishment of assembly process, the pipe system manufacturer on the unit assembly, sub-outfitting, intermediate products, integrity and reduce the berth (dock) and the terminal period of great significance. Shanghai Waigaoqiao Shipbuilding Co., Ltd. control system manufacturing sector, learning Japanese, Korean advanced experience, explore and establishing China's national conditions of the piping in production mode, with the ideological guidance of lean production work, and achieved good results, each tube has a 30% production increase in 2005, nearly 180,000 manufacturing pipe: about 9200 tons, per capita monthly output up to 95, up to the domestic manufacture of high levels of the piping.

Manufacturing has been the piping transfer model China's shipbuilding industry, an important part of modeling work in recent years, China's shipbuilding industry a large number of contractors of high-tech, high value-added ships and various marine engineering, management system standards for manufacturing more and more becoming more demanding, more and more shipowners piping manufacture, ship inspection departments and shipbuilding companies to survive. Establishment of a modern shipbuilding mode assembly to achieve over the piping manufacturing development is the assembly shipbuilding enterprises are facing a real problem. Summary Waigaoqiao Shipbuilding in recent years in the manufacture of piping work, I have the following experience.

1, pipe assembly line manufacturing in the modern shipbuilding production plays an important role

Piping manufacturing is an important part of ship construction. Is to ensure that the piping manufacturer of marine power plant, deck equipment, ballast system, the normal operation of living facilities and other equipment and the key to safe navigation of ships, it is important to ensure the ship life. China's shipbuilding past, most of the lack of attention to the piping system manufacturer, rarely of the piping manufacturer as an important topic for further research. The existence of some important sub-ship enterprises, light control, heavy machinery and electronics, light systems. This makes our manufacturing production piping design, fabrication technology, welding standards, surface treatment, once difficult to meet the installation requirements and other technical requirements for ship technology, affecting investment and the host oil, hydraulic system, debugging, high-pressure system, confidentiality, ballast system adjustments. Moreover, since the piping installation cycle is too long, clean place, and manufacturing quality of instability, affecting the overall level of China's shipbuilding rapidly.

Piping assembly manufacturing is made shipbuilding project in addition to the production of sub-projects outside the largest in the entire shipbuilding process closely linked with the construction section, and the ship equipped with a chain, its intermediate products to achieve integrity, reduce shipbuilding cycle has an extremely important role. Because of its high technical difficulty, technical complexity, standard strict matching production more difficult, so difficult to grasp in practical work. Piping manufacturers both in production design, program implementation, production sites, manufacturing equipment, materials preparation, or in the construction mode, innovation and so on are lagging behind. Early 90s of last century, in order to speed up the development of China's shipbuilding industry, China's shipbuilding industry, organized and comprehensively promote the transfer mode modeling work, the shipyards on the manufacturing model of the piping, the environment, equipment increased management, and identified a number of research subject to the control system manufacturer in accelerating the development of an important shipbuilding industry further understand the position. Major shipyards in the implementation of work, in order to improve the segmentation rate of pre-outfitting and promote regional production, outfitting coated shell integration, pre-outfitting of the section, pots outfitting, unit assembly, to achieve intermediate standard of product integrity higher and higher and more profound meaning, made with the sub-pipe system manufacturer produced a map at the same time, simultaneous production and installation of the strict requirements over the same period. As the overall level of China's shipbuilding and design capability is weak, many problems supporting materials, the production is small, the management system could meet the production needs of manufacturers, it is difficult to achieve intermediate product integrity 棰勬湡 effect, particularly on new development The ship and ship system, especially the first.

At present, China has built a number of shipbuilding companies liquefied gas vessels, chemical tankers and FPSO vessels and other high-tech, high value-added ships, many owners of the pipeline system made the score section of the entire process but even more control, on the pipe system manufacturing, specialty materials, piping comprehensive tracking, requirements more stringent. Them from design to technology, from space to the device, from training to construction, from the environment to flow, from security to quality, are required to have very strict procedures to ensure more quality tubes made the owner must ensure that no corrosion for 30 years, Paul use requirements, control system manufacturing has become the focus owner supervision during the project.

Some assembly shipbuilding business success in China's rise, China's shipbuilding capacity to make significant improvements, a carry around the dock, pier assembly debugging of modern shipbuilding model has been recognized by everyone, a sub-production, manufacture of the main line piping, outsourcing agreement with the foreign community echoed the general assembly supporting shipbuilding operation of the recognition we have received, sub-assembly with the pipe system manufacturer in the important position of shipbuilding has been recognized in the industry.

A ship's piping system have dozens of systems, nearly one thousand kinds of specifications, about 10 000 tubes, need a variety of surface treatment, strict production norms, tedious production preparation, this has caused many difficulties piping manufacturer. Many shipyard once been a breakthrough in the manufacturing section, the management system will create lag appears, it will affect the section of the integrity of the dock of the tower contains the system's integrity.

Second, for China's manufacturing development of the piping model

November 2004, the Work Committee for National Defense issued a "speed up the establishment of a modern shipbuilding mode" guidance, China's shipbuilding industry began to target efforts toward bigger and stronger, and the establishment of appropriate national conditions of China's modern shipbuilding mode is to ensure that assembly shipbuilding Innovation capability and an important indicator of sustainable development. As China's most modern shipbuilding enterprises large assembly, Waigaoqiao Shipbuilding in this regard a lot of useful to explore and try, achieved remarkable results. Established 6 years ago, the company actively introduce Korea CIMS management, Shuaixian establish modern shipbuilding mode of assembly, each production index substantially elevated, dock Matou cycle control 鍦?within 60 days, section, tube Chanliang improved significantly.

(A) of the ship management of modern manufacturing is a major assemblers ship production project

In accordance with the requirements of modern shipbuilding mode, control system manufacturing not only high demand, the production cycle is long, starting early, rapid turnover, but also the fastest and most complete platform for the state meet, dock, pier needs to ensure that unit, section , the integrity of the total group.

Due to historical reasons, China's shipbuilding enterprises large and comprehensive, small but complete practices left, so that assembly shipbuilding business process smooth, flow, and difficult to organize a balanced, beat production, so stepping up the construction process of the optimization work is urgent. According to the development of Waigaoqiao Shipbuilding, a large assembly shipbuilding, and shipbuilding tube needs 20 million to 300 000 to the total tonnage of about 1.6 million tons, the average monthly production of 20,000 or more. Now some new piping assembly manufacturing shipbuilding enterprises increased investment in the planning, layout, give attention to manufacturing plant piping, tubing and accessories set with tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of venues square meters, a radical improvement in the manufacture of pipe system environment, enhance the total formation of the scale, the rapid development of shipbuilding for the assembly to lay a solid foundation.

(B) of the modern shipbuilding piping assembly manufacturing, distribution, installation must all processes in all shipbuilding needs to meet

At this stage, my pipe lofting, design the overall level is not high, change is very serious, the external field is a larger proportion of School Management, together with ship owners and ship survey to meet to consider the submission of work and tray set with acceptance, transport distribution, etc., so in the planning and layout, piping general manufacturing plant located in or near the assembly plant in the region to facilitate the coordination, management, facilities, transportation.

(C) piping systems manufacturing equipment should be suitable for the actual shipping enterprises

Piping for shipbuilding enterprises manufacturing equipment is not large and comprehensive, sophisticated best, its use should be suitable for the actual shipping enterprises. At present, China's ship piping manufactured in Japan, Korea still lags far behind. Early 90s of last century, pipe output to increase, many of our shipyard has introduced some foreign advanced tube bending, welding equipment and pipe production line, but many did not play its due role. Waigaoqiao Shipbuilding is a shipyard for the construction of some use tube bending, cutting, welding equipment, active research area, and post production processes to improve equipment utilization, reduce warranty costs, per capita total production to domestic than pipes high.

(D) to promote the management of Human Resource Management Department of Manufacturing Development

Shipbuilding industry is labor-intensive industries, a lot of work needed in the open air, dirty work, tired, bitter, heavy, and the workers have special requirements. This ship is fairly conspicuous shortage of qualified personnel. Waigaoqiao Shipbuilding piping people-oriented manufacturing sector, shipbuilding for the green concept, efforts to build environmental protection workshops, safe working environment for construction, so that employees create a happy life, happy work development platform. Waigaoqiao Shipbuilding many young workers, foreign workers through participation in skills training services, technical competition, etc., positions can be cured, title would be enhanced self-worth can be achieved. Waigaoqiao shipbuilding plant at the beginning of monthly production for the 4000 pipe; in 2005, the average monthly production increased to 13,000 or more. Human resource management system created to promote the role of management contributed.

Third, the implementation of lean manufacturing, to achieve the rapid development of the piping manufacturer

To lean production, based on the expansion of the total shipbuilding, has an important role in increasing production. Waigaoqiao Shipbuilding piping piping manufacturing sector in the implementation of lean manufacturing management processes, optimize the construction environment and business process, organization of production by region, and achieved certain results.

Almost all modern assembly shipbuilding equipments have been purchased outside the agreement, manufacturing and control system sub-assembly manufacturing enterprises to become the only self-production project, the increase in total production, is a modern tower assembly for fast set shipbuilding, fast an important guarantee for shipbuilding. Throughout the shipbuilding process, the workload of large piping manufacturing, construction cycle is relatively long. Waigaoqiao Shipbuilding piping manufacturing sector is actively implementing lean manufacturing, Standard Shipbuilding, optimization processes, on the tube production by region, by stages, according to categories of construction; order, division of species, by carrying out the production process; point line, dividers, partition operations, with water production practices, regionalization of the closed management, integrated production model, with supermarket-style set, self-supporting, information management, in order to form the tray frame transfer operation to the gradual standardization of piping manufacturing, professional, product-based.

Of the piping to the full implementation of lean manufacturing production has to be done.

The first is to improve the quality and setting out the rate chart. Waigaoqiao Shipbuilding advantage of using the construction of bulk ships, emphasizing technical feedback, enhanced sense of responsibility, to reduce error rate, setting out to expand the scope tube, pipe lofting a single vessel and increase the rate of reduction of the current school management and field management, anti-labor rate of tube 30 from the original % or more down to about 6%, and 17.5 tons of bulk cargo pipe lofting rate from the original 75% to 90% now.

Second, concentrate tubing, accessories selection criteria to reduce the rate of non-standard products, the implementation of standard materials.

Required the construction of hundreds of kinds of pipe of a vessel, nearly a thousand species of tube attachment, involving a large number of models, specifications, varieties, to the pipe system design, procurement, production, management has brought many problems.

At present, China's shipbuilding pipes, accessories supporting business and poor production planning, product quality is unstable, the industry chain has not yet formed. This affects the promotion of lean production. To promote the industrialization of ship pipe supporting the community, building a symbiotic partnership accompanied by the establishment of shared interest, risk-sharing consortium, is to enhance and promote lean ship pipe total production of a strong guarantee.

Third, try to avoid or reduce the complexity of the one-piece molded, shaped elbow to minimize the use of straight pipe to increase the design, production ratio.

Fourth, technological innovation, application of modern information technologies to increase volume and variety of tubes, tube bending paperless production, automatic fixed-length nesting and cutting chamfer, tray under the classification of multi-pipe line construction materials, hybrid welding gas primer efficiency The application and the establishment of semi-automatic welders and other studies place.

Waigaoqiao Shipbuilding pipe system to create "fine production, assembly line, proven technology 'fool' operation" had been successful. In early 2006, Waigaoqiao Shipbuilding plumbers transformation through the second phase of expansion, further optimization of processes, to further improve the working environment, a more rational distribution. In August, the company's pipe production reached 18,035, the highest historical record company. However, the piping manufacturer to meet the demands of modern shipbuilding mode, create a Chinese characteristics of the piping manufacturing model, still long way to go.


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Wednesday, July 14, 2010

McNealy: Sun China's embrace open source

November 18, had called the Sun IT fighter McNealy Chairman of the Board went to Beijing, has 53 years of age, he a little fat and it is also McNealy in April 2006 announced his resignation has been done 22 years after the post of CEO another visit to China two years, McNealy claimed that after leaving office will focus more on the Sun and the national government and academic relationships for the development of the China Sun McNealy has donated to the Ministry of Civil Affairs National Disaster Reduction Centre, modular data center , and the Ministry of Industry and CSIP (Ministry of Information Industry Software and Integrated Circuit Promotion Center) signed a memorandum of cooperation build open innovation laboratory, a series of cooperation with government departments, the outgoing CEO, after he proved the main direction of work, but Sun do need some confidence to the industry for themselves. When the financial crisis strikes, Sun also made a global decision to lay off thousands of people, and restructuring the software sector, this time as a Sun co-founder McNealy came to China to bring us?

The Chinese market, the next concern in open source

26 years, Sun at different occasions during the sermon, "open source strategy," and has its own product planning, a fairly complete open source frameworks, ranging from the operating system, database, office suite, until the cross-platform virtualization technology and language development tools, which include OpenSolaris, MySQL, OpenOffice, Java, Netbeans, VirtualBox (innotek), JXTA, Jini, Glassfish and so on. The current trip to China with particular emphasis on McNealy: "a considerable number of Chinese users have to understand the 'open source' and are using open source technology. However, I hope to convince more people to understand the use of open source technology."

November 19, Sun and Ministry of Information Industry Software and Integrated Circuit Promotion Center (CSIP) signed a Memorandum of Understanding Change MIIT_CSIP-Sun open innovation labs, before signing the contract, the Ministry of Information Industry and Deputy Ministers met Lou McNealy and said: "Open source is consistent with the scientific development of the law of software development models, it is China's industry and information industry, rapid and healthy development of a rare opportunity, I hope the two sides carried out in the open source aspects of closer cooperation." "open source "the ultimate goal is to open both sides are very heavy, CSIP Dr. Qiu Shanqin said in an interview:" CSIP before and Hewlett-Packard, Microsoft, had set up laboratories, and laboratories will be set up with Sun technology known for, this experiment room main task will be to help China build the open source community as well as in green energy saving projects in the calculation of cooperation. "This laboratory will is technically non-exclusive, neutral form, are also welcome to join other companies, but China aims to open source community an "open" environment. It is reported that after signing the MOU, the two sides will also cooperate with follow-up, which CSIP responsible for promoting open source technology, and Sun through the input device to set up a test environment and provide related technical training.

Financial turmoil, Sun can not be spared

With the global financial crisis intensified, Wall Street remain always vigilant to live in Silicon Valley's IT giants feel the chill breezes, Sun storm in this array global job cuts announced in 5000 to 6,000, accounting for about 15 total staff % to 18% in response to the difficulties caused by the credit crunch. At the same time, Sun announced the company's software sector is divided into three business units, namely, application platform software sectors, departments and cloud computing platform and developer platform division, will focus on the promotion of open source technologies and emerging markets. The company's software business restructuring is Sun's own resources will be reallocated to make Solaris and hardware products can be reassembled in order to better integrate into the cloud computing, "Sun software restructuring does not have any impact on the business, if the impact if not more than three individuals, in particular the Chinese market will not produce any negative effects. "McNealy says. As the Sun stock price low, the industry has been spread to be acquired by Sun remarks, directed at this McNealy: "Sun can not prevent competitors rumors that Sun is to be acquired. But the Sun is a 20-year positive cash flow operations, the current Bank, 30 million in cash, and long-term large-scale investment in R & D investment over the past 20 years amounted to 26 billion U.S. dollars, an annual R & D investment in recent years, amounting to two billion U.S. dollars. "

The four-day trip to China, McNealy to their own evaluation is: "Well done very nice!", Except with the Chinese government for substantial cooperation, but also has called on China Mobile, China Unicom, China Petroleum and National Grid Soft and other large customers, and the time to visit Beijing University People's University students to communicate with the majority of speech, so that more people know about Sun's open source strategy. If commercial software and open source software are a contradiction, then Gates and McNealy is a pair of rivals competing for 20 years, "Gates to step aside now, and Microsoft, which is very successful, but the future Sun will be more successful! "McNealy said.

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